Are you starting the 19th Annotation soon?
Many Ignatian Educators have participated in the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises during their time at a Jesuit school. This is one of the annotations provided for by St Ignatius to accommodate those who are not able to do the 30 day retreat.
Some Ignatian colleagues are starting the 19th Annotation soon through Companions on the Way, a site run by Ignatian Educators for Ignatian Educators interested and ready to dive into the 19th Annotation.
In order to lead others towards the greater, we must first work on ourselves and our personal relationship with God. The 19th Annotation is one way to do just that.
Is the 19th Annotation right for you this year?
If not, consider asking God to help you discern some spiritual/prayer practices you can add into your daily life this academic year.
The following prayer, offered by Gretchen Crowder, asks God to help us grow in the desire to know ourselves and God better so we can help others do the same.

Ignatius taught me
to lead others to a deeper,
more expansive relationship with You,
I must first work on my own.
Help me to mine
the recesses of my heart
so that I may know intimately
the immense love you feel
just for me
every moment
of every day
no matter what I do in return.
Let that unfailing love
grow my desire
to become ever more
the unique person
You have created me to be
so that I may in turn,
through my word and example,
help others do the same.
St. Ignatius, pray for us.
Do you have a prayer that you would like to have shared on Living Ad Majorem that would be useful for Ignatian Educators living towards the greater?
Are you an Ignatian educator interested in the 19th Annotation but do not know where to begin?
Contact us and let us know!