Engaging the Exercises – A Talk by Gretchen Crowder


Each month the members of Promoting the Spiritual Exercises Discussion Group meet together for collaboration and support in the very important work of not only directing people in the Exercises but also helping others discern a call to engage in the Exercises. They begin each meeting by hearing a short presentation tailored to spiritual direction and the Exercises and then engage in a discussion about the ideas presented. 

Last week, Gretchen Crowder of Jesuit Dallas presented on this past summer’s global seminar JESEDU-Jogja2024. She began by offering context on what JESEDU-Jogja2024 was and where it fit in the cycle of global gatherings. Then, she led those present through a reflection on each of the days of the seminar, inviting them to consider where we can start both individually and collectively to bring the Vision Statement of JESEDU-Jogja2024 to life.

We invite you to view Gretchen’s presentation below and then consider the following: 

  • If you are a Director or Promoter of the Exercises in your school: After engaging in this reflection, how can your story serve as an invitation to others for deeper engagement in Ignatian Spirituality and the mission of Jesuit schools?
  • If you are someone considering the Exercises: Did the reflections Gretchen offered resonate with you? Whose story would you like to know more about? How can you invite them into a conversation that might help you in your discernment?

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